We need the toilet!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
4:33 AM

Two days ago, Friday, was my last prelim paper for Science. I was so
tired that I worte so slowly. Just as I was about to do the last question,
the teacher said " OK girls, all pens and penciles down! "

We had ethics at the last period of the lesson. A few of us left our bags in our own class before we went off. After ethics, everyone went home except for Mrs Choo, my form teacher, a girl who was talking to her, Cheryl, Shermin and me, were left in class. We were packing our bags, when Shermin asked me wether I could wait for her. I agreed. Then, we saw Cheryl going out of the classroom to her locker to put something inside. Then later, I said I wanted to go with Cheryl, cause she's so funny. Then Shermin said she also wanted too. We shouted to Cheryl to wait for us. As we left the class, Mrs Choo and the other girl also left. As we went down the stairs, we saw Mrs Choo. "Bye Mrs Choo!" Cheryl said. "I love you!" I turned around to Shermin and Cheryl and asked them who said that. So, Cheryl said it was Shermin and Shermin said it was Cheryl(-.-) When we were walking along the staff room where the teachers' lockers were, Cheryl said that she wanted to wait for Mrs Choo and say that Shermin was the one who siad I love you to her. I wanted to go, but Cheryl kept touching my shoulder to stop me. I didn't like her to touch me. We waited for quite a while, but didn't see Mrs Choo, so Shermin and I wanted to go, but Cheryl kept touching Shermin's shoulder to stop her. Shermin was irritated and told Cheryl " Okay lah, can you stop touching me?" I almost wanted to laugh. Soon after, we saw Mrs Choo. She was walking towards our direction. Just as Cheryl was about to shout to Mrs Choo, Shermin shouted " Mrs Choo, Cheryl loves you!" After that, Shermin and I hurriedly ran away from Cheryl, and she came chasing after us.

When we reached the netball court, we stopped running. We said bye to Cheryl as she was heading different direction from us. When we were walking along the secondary fitness place, Cheryl came running back to us. She told Shermin with a little laugh " Mrs Choo says she loves you" Then I asked her "how you know, you went back to Mrs Choo?"
And then she was like smiling. Later, Shermin saw a big puddle of water and started playing with it. Cheryl and I also joined in. Then, Shermin told Cheryl to come. Cheryl came and Shermin kiked a bit of water at her. I kept laughing. When we were about to leave, Shermin said to Cheryl "Cheryl, you come, I push you into the water."

When we were at a shop outside our school, we saw Charlotte and Maria.m. After all of us bought our drinks, we went to the playground. I wanted to sit at my usual place, but I saw a cat sitting near the steps. I was afraid it might come to me. I had no choice so I sat. "the cat's coming!" Maria.m warned me. I hurriedly jump of the seat. After the cat went off, I went back to sit and Maria.m sat next to me. Charlotte and Shermin were behide us talking. Just then, Maria told me to spit a pearl on her hand. After that, she threw the pearl behide. It was sticky so, it stick on Charlotte's uniform, then she flicked it at Shermin and Shermin screamed. Shermin said that she thought that was a butterfly.Maria.m and I kept laughing so hard. I spit the pearl at Maria.m's hand again and she threw it behind at Shermin and Charlotte. Charlotte said to Maria.m that she could not fool her again. Not long after Shermin and I were about to finish our drinks, we started to shoot them at Chalotte. All of us kept laughing so hard that we needed to go to the toilet. It was getting late so I went home, leaving Charlotte, Maria.m and Shermin laughing.

Mess at the playground!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
11:16 PM

Around middle of June, after school supplementary class, as usual, Shermin, Ho Xin Ying, Joelle, Maria Mendoza, Charlotte, Ashley (Charlotte's younger sister) and I, were outside school playground together. All accept Joelle, Ashley and me did not go to a nearby shop - Junction 168 and buy any drinks or snacks. While Joelle sat on a chair with all our bags doing her homework, Ashley pulled me to follow her to 7-eleven and buy some snacks and drinks. When we came back, Joelle was still doing her homework and the others still were not back yet. Then, Joelle put away her homework and went to buy some things at 7-eleven too. I sat on a slide and waited and so does Ashley. Not long later, Jolle was back, but not the others. I was wondering what took them so long. Joelle then said she was going to check on them. Just as she was going to disappear round the coner, all of them appeared with their drinks.

Everyone were enjoying their drinks. I sat at the end of the slide nothing. Shermin sat behide me and I think, followed by Ashley. Then, Charlotte came from the top and slide down behinde Ashley followed by Maria. Joelle seemed to be upset that day, so she didn't reallt had the mood to do anything. She just stand beside te slide watching us. Charlotte then said to Shermin and me to try sliding down as it was very fun. Ashley was about to slide down when shermin and I push her lightly. She slide down then ran up again for another. I didn't really wanted to go for another time, so i sat again at the end of the slide. Shermin was suppose to slide after me, but Ashley was fast enough to slide before Shermin. Ashley was carrying her drink while sliding and so does Shermin and the others as they slide down.Charlotte and Maria were taking their time walking towards the slide together.

As Ashley was sliding down the slide, the was stopped half then without knowing, Shermin went to slide down too. Shermin and Ashley were stuck together half through the slide. Joelle saw it and tried to pull Shermin through the slide, so she pulled shermin's leg. Accidentally, Ashley's drink opened and it spilt on the slide, then fell on the slide landing on her back. As for Shermin, her uniform (below her belt) , was went with the drink, so she hurriedly stand up n wnet down the slide. When the drink was spilt, before Ashley fell of the slide, I turned around and looked at the slide. To my surprised, I hurrieldy got up before my uniform was wet like Shermin's. When Ashley fell on her back on the ground, me and Ho Xin Ying who did not slide down the slide, but watched us all along came towards Ashley and asked her if she was alright. She was lying, facing us, laughing. Ho Xin Ying even said "Oh my gosh" , " You fall down still can laugh" to Ashley. I turned my head up to Charlotte and Maria. Maria said that lucky she and Charlotte had not slide down. Charlotte agreed with Maria and they both giggled. Infact, all of us were laughing at Shermin and Ashley. Shermin was so wet, that her pants underneath her uniform was wet. She had to take off her uniform.

Everyone were still laughing by then and kept blaming Joelle for it. As for Joelle, I think she felt guilty but kept saying it was not her fault. After everyone finished thier drinks, we all went home.

10:50 PM

It was middle of March (after our CA1 exams- marks were out) our teacher than said that since some of us are independent, working hard and improving, she allowed those students to choose who they want to sit with. To be fair, she let all of us choose who we want to sit with. Almost everyone was glad. But only a few of us wanted to let our teacher choose our sit for us- one of them was me. So, we had to write who we wanted 2 sit with on a piece of paper, fold it and pass it to our teacher. I was very lonely at that time, and did not know who to choose.

At that time, February , I was sitting with (starting from my left) Joanne Smith, Me , Victoria Lim. I thought that at first Joanne was good to sit with, but it was all the opposite of what I thought the moment I sat next to her. The first time when I sat next to her, she started singing songs, and she always says " I feel like smacking you! " or if I say something sometimes, she would say " do you want me to smack you?! " I felt well, sad and hated her when she said that. So after like 1 and a half month, our teacher want to change our seats.

After the March holidays, everyone was so excited - including me. I couldn't wait to see whom I am was going to sit with. Our teacher called a few pupils who will be together in a group and ask them to "arrange" themselves. Then, my name was mention! I had 6 girls in my group, 3 settled themselves infront of my row. I was surprised that Lesley and Shermin was in my group. I know that Lesley wants to sit with Shermin, so I sat at the far right hand corner.( 2 seats were on my left-for Lesley and Shermin ) When Shermin came back from her "meeting" , Lesley was still not back yet. Then, Shermin slowly pushed out the chair so that she could squeezed in and sit. First, I thought she was going to sit at the the left hand corner and leave a sit in between us, next I thought she was going 2 sit next to me. I was slowly waiting for her decision. Then, she sat next to me. Later, she asked me who was sitiing next to her on left. I said Lesley, and she said cool. One time, Lesley and Shermin were talking alot and our teacher asked Lesley to change sit with Dewi the next day.( The girl who is sitting infront of Lesley , and was absent that day ) Well, of cause Lesley was sad and so does Shermin and I as we like Lesley.

M a r i a(:.
9 April Birthday Girl
Aries Girl.
CHIJ Primary ( Toa Payoh )
CHIJ Secondary ( Toa Payoh )

Chocolates! Round colorful huge Lollipop!
Every color!
Poping trisha's blown bubble-bubble gum! :D
Little Miss Sunshine
Strawberry Shortcake

Don't believe in failure. Because simply by saying you've failed, you've admitted you attempted.
And anyone who attempts is not a failure.
Those who truly fail in the eyes are the ones who never try at all.
The ones who sit on the couch and whine and moan and wait for the world to change for them.

If you try anything, if you try to improve yourself, or to love, or to make the world a better place,
you have already achieved something wonderful, before you even begin.
Forget failure.
If things don't work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud
And try again.
And again.
And again...

Never give up finding the only key you've always been looking for in your life,
to the one lock.
Because, because you'll find it someday...

Rae Teo ♥
Clarissa Tang
Zhi Yin
Jayme Jacob
Nina Gee
Clara Lee
Sylvia Foo
Charmaine Tan
Melanie Minjoot
Chloe Lim
Wong Xin Hui
Nicole Ang
Rachel Lim
Evangel Lim
Faith Teo

August 2007
September 2007
February 2008
April 2008
May 2008
October 2008
December 2008
April 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009
designer DancingSheep
resources + + + + +

200 x 350 max.